Wickford Road Bridge Rehabilitation
Framingham, Massachusetts

BETA was retained by the City of Framingham to perform an in-depth inspection of this existing City-owned bridge spanning over the Sudbury River. BETA performed an in-depth, hands-on inspection of this 150-foot-long, three-span bridge. The inspection required the use of an under-bridge inspection vehicle along with police details and traffic control measures associated with various lane closures. The inspection findings were used as the basis for the development of appropriate rehabilitation options. BETA worked with the City and MassDOT who agreed to fund and oversee the construction of a full superstructure replacement.
As a result, BETA designed the replacement superstructure and substructure repairs in accordance with MassDOT requirements, including their LRFD Bridge Manual. All project submissions were reviewed and approved by MassDOT.
The replacement superstructure consisted of rolled steel beams with full-depth precast concrete deck panels to expedite the construction and minimize the length of time that the roadway was closed to traffic.