Wastewater Treatment Plant Improvements
Bristol, Rhode Island

Having last upgraded its wastewater treatment plant in 1986, the Town of Bristol received $5.7M from SRF funding to facilitate upgrades to it’s wastewater treatment plant. BETA worked with the Town to complete the following improvements.
- Replacement of two grit removal blowers with variable speed drive units
Preliminary Treatment
- Replacement of three primary sludge pumps, piping and appurtenances and incorporation of variable speed drives and controls.
- Replacement of two primary clarifier longitudinal drives
- Demolition of a tri output primary clarifier longitudinal collector and cross collector drive and replacement with two primary clarifier longitudinal drives and a cross collector drive
- Replacement of four longitudinal sludge collector mechanisms
- Replacement of four scum collector troughs
- Replacement of scum pit mixer, pump, piping and controls
Rotating Biological Contactors
- Replacement/upgrade of rotating biological contactor drives, electrical wiring and control systems
- Replacement of the influent and effluent weirs
Secondary Clarifiers
- Replacement of two secondary clarifier mechanisms, drives and controls
- Replacement of the baffle, launder and weirs
- Demolition and replacement of the influent manhole concrete top slab
- Installation of a weir washing system
- Replacement of two influent and two effluent sluice gates
- Replacement of scum pit mixer, pump, piping and controls
- Replacement of the two secondary sludge pumps, piping and appurtenances. The new sludge pumps incorporate variable speed drives and controls
Chlorine Contact Tank
- Replacement of two scum collector troughs
- Replacement of scum pit mixer, pump, piping and controls
- Replacement of the sodium hypochlorite distribution piping, valves and supports
Belt Filter Press Building
- Mechanical, electrical and I&C rehabilitation and improvements to two existing belt filter presses
- Replacement of the roofing system
- Replacement of the HVAC make up air units, ductwork and controls
- Miscellaneous electrical system improvements
- Replacement of a standby engine/generator including all related appurtenances, electrical, mechanical, instrumentation and control
- The installation a new supervisory control and data acquisition system
- Improvements to the site drainage system to alleviate surface water runoff into tankage