Safe Streets for All (SS4A) Action Plan
New England
BETA is currently working with multiple municipalities in New England to develop Safe Streets for All Action Plans (SS4A) funded by SS4A Planning Action Grants. Below are brief descriptions of communities we’re currently helping improve traffic and transportation safety:
Merrimack Valley Planning Commission (MVPC) – Multiple Communities, MA
BETA is working with the MVPC to develop a Vision Zero Plan for the 15 communities in the region. The work effort includes a comprehensive and collaborative approach that involves coordination with MVPC, advanced data analysis, the development of prioritized safety projects at both regional and community levels, and easy-to-understand public-facing visualizations and website. Our ultimate goal is to deliver a regional Vision Zero Plan that secures commitments to eliminate roadway fatalities and serious injuries while promoting self-sustaining community advocacy for safety enhancement. The approach focuses on vulnerable road users.BETA will develop a Risk-Based predictive crash model and review the Trends-Based analysis developed by MVPC. BETA will integrate the two elements into a final High-Injury Network (HIN). BETA will use the findings to bundle the prioritized list of projects in the HIN for the MVPC region and the 15 member communities. Project lists will also be developed to identify the top projects in the 15 communities.

Berkshire Regional Planning Commission – Multiple Communities, MA
BETA is working to develop a Safety Action Plan for the 32 communities in the BRPC region. The work effort includes a comprehensive and collaborative approach that involves coordination with BRPC, advanced data analysis, identifying countermeasures, the development of prioritized safety projects at both regional and community levels, and easy-to-understand public-facing visualizations and website. Our ultimate goal is to deliver a regional Vision Zero Plan that secures commitments to eliminate roadway fatalities and serious injuries while promoting self-sustaining community advocacy for safety enhancement. BETA is responsible for developing both the Trends-Based and Risk-Based High Injury networks.

Old Colony Planning Council (OCPC) – Multiple Communities, MA
BETA is currently working with OCPC to develop a Vision Zero Plan for the 17 communities in the region . The project includes the following elements:
- Robust Engagement with the public and stakeholders, including emergency services and maintenance, the private sector, and community groups, allowing for both community representation and feedback. BETA will develop an Engagement and Collaboration Plan in coordination with OCPC. This will include developing an interactive map where stakeholders can view crash data, reports, and recommendations.
- Safety Analysis of existing conditions and historical trends that provide a baseline level of crashes involving fatalities and serious injuries along corridors, clusters, town centers, and other locations.
- Equity Considerations: Plan development using inclusive and representative processes. The analysis will include identifying high crash impacts on disadvantaged communities and neighborhoods with characteristics such as low-income and minority populations.
- Cost Estimates and Recommendations of comprehensive set of projects shaped by data and stakeholder input and equity considerations to address the HIN described in the Action Plan.
- Recommendations of current policies, plans, guidelines, and/or standards to identify opportunities to improve processes and prioritize transportation safety. This will focus on reviewing existing policies and guidelines and developing recommendations to revise existing policies and developing new ones based on the results of the safety analysis. This will address programmatic changes such as crash response, data collection, education, and equity.
Town of Haverhill, NH
BETA is working with the Town of Haverhill, NH to develop their Vision Zero Plan. The work effort includes a comprehensive and collaborative approach that involves coordination with the town, advanced data analysis, identifying countermeasures, the development of prioritized safety projects at both regional and community levels, and easy-to-understand public-facing visualizations and website. Our ultimate goal is to deliver a regional Vision Zero Plan that secures commitments to eliminate roadway fatalities and serious injuries while promoting self-sustaining community advocacy for safety enhancement. BETA is responsible for developing both the Trends-Based and Risk-Based High Injury networks.