Ipswich Riverwalk

Ipswich, Massachusetts

BETA designed a downtown riverwalk for the Town of Ipswich, Massachusetts. The intent of the project was to provide a recreational destination, create awareness of the Ipswich River environment, enhance the appeal of the downtown area, and provide an important link across the Ipswich River. The construction was funded by Transportation Enhancement Funds. The design was coordinated with and reviewed by the Massachusetts Highway Department at all phases.

Structural design work included repairs to the existing parking deck, design of a new stamped-concrete slab, and design of the new 124-foot pedestrian bridge. Highlights of the bridge construction include a superstructure consisting of rolled steel beams with a reinforced concrete deck, a west abutment integrated into the existing concrete parking deck, and an east abutment constructed amidst tight site constraints within the pocket park. This east abutment was constructed on piles and supported by a concrete deadman to prevent deflections from impacting the existing stone river channel wall.

Architectural treatments such as ornamental fences and railings, ornamental lighting, and stone-patterned concrete walks complement the mill town atmosphere. Amenities such as shade shelters, benches, and planters enhance the pedestrian environment.


Project Management Team