CREC International Magnet School
South Windsor, Connecticut
Prior to CREC’s purchase of the 14.5-acre property in South Windsor, BETA, as a subcontractor to Freeman Engineering, conducted a comprehensive American Society of Testing and Materials (ASTM) Phase I Environmental Site Assessment (ESA) of the former farm property. The Phase I ESA initially identified seven Areas of Concern (AOC), including areas of solid waste dumping, a former tenant house and barn, areas formerly used for agricultural purposes, and soil mounds observed in the western portion of the site. Subsequent to the Phase I ESA, BETA conducted a Phase II ESA at the site to determine if releases of oil and/or hazardous materials (OHM) had occurred at the seven AOCs.
The Phase II identified exceedances of CTDEEP standards for lead, polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), chlordane, and petroleum. BETA followed up the Phase II with a Phase III ESA and a Supplemental Phase III ESA that included additional assessment to refine the Conceptual Site Model for the site. The additional assessment included grid and focused sampling in a large area formerly used to grow tobacco and a barn, likely used to store pesticides. BETA collected over 100 samples to characterize the large farm area.
From these ESAs, BETA prepared an Environmental Condition Assessment Form (ECAF) for submittal to CTDEEP under their Voluntary Remediation program. After meeting with CTDEEP, BETA prepared a Remedial Action Plan in June 2012 that detailed the proposed remedial actions (off-site disposal and on-site consolidation of contaminated soil) and schedule for implementation. During construction of the school, the RAP was implemented under oversight from BETA and Freeman.