Prepare Now for Future Funding
June 8, 2020
As many states in New England begin a phased re-opening plan, attention is turning to economic relief funds – including a potential infrastructure aid package. Historically, grant funding has given preference and priority to projects that are “shovel ready.” So, what can you be doing now to prepare for a potential stimulus package? Once funds are received, how do you maximize their value?
Many communities are turning to the data from their Pavement Management Program (PMP) to rank their roads for maintenance, preservation, and replacement. By predicting the deterioration of roadways over time, the right treatment can be applied to a roadway in order to prolong its useful life. Maintaining roads in good condition in conjunction with making necessary repairs to roadways in poor condition can save money in the long run, which in turn can be used to fund other infrastructure improvements.
Using this data and applying a Cost-Benefit Value (CBV) allows public works decision makers to not only analyze cost and condition, but also take into account traffic volumes and roadway use in addition to important variables such as ADA compliance, utility coordination, transportation impacts, and safety improvements.
Municipalities that have supporting data from tools such as a PMP will be able to better prioritize projects, predict future needs, and therefore position themselves to be desirable to agencies who are funding well thought-out projects.
Curious about what pavement treatments are most beneficial to particular roadways so that you can develop your plan? Visit to view a Treatment Selection Guide which will help you choose the best pavement treatment solution for your needs.