Winsor Park Recreation Master Plan

Glocester, Rhode Island

The Town contracted BETA Group, Inc. to conceive a Recreation Master Plan for two of it’s most important and utilized recreational facilities, Glocester Memorial Park and Winsor Park. Both parks represent large areas of land and have diverse existing programming.

Winsor Park’s existing programming include two tennis courts, a basketball court, an inline hockey rink, playground, and an existing field that has been used for softball in recent years. It is recognized that while Winsor Park has plenty of opportunity, many of the existing facilities at Winsor Park are in disrepair and in need of improvements.

The community survey revealed that only 27% of the over 300 respondents visited Winsor Park at least once a month and only 10% visited the park once a week. The survey also revealed that the attractions that brought people to the park most frequently were the playground, basketball courts, tennis courts, and the baseball/softball field.

There are existing resource areas present at Winsor Park that will need to be identified as part of the planning process for the improvements. Permits required for the proposed improvements will likely, at a minimum, include a Rhode Island Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (RIPDES) and a Freshwater Wetlands Request for Regulatory Applicability.

The existing stream and pond could provide the opportunity for visual attractions – bringing people closer to the resource areas and utilizing graphic signage that could provide the opportunity to educate people on the plants, animals, and various ecology that occupy this space.