• CT map

Statewide Sign Inventory & MUTCD Compliance Program

Connecticut Department of Transportation

BETA is working with the Connecticut Department of Transportation on the final phases of a Statewide Sign Management System. This project, which has been developed based on requirements of the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD), is designed to bring the state into compliance with Federal inventory and management mandates.

BETA is developing this project in four phases which will follow DOT project development processes. The project includes Best Practices analyses which will enable the Department to select the best features of other state practices in selecting the approach. The project scope is developed to examine the means and resources the Department possesses to undertake this program and develop a system which will apply current Asset Management technology while recognizing the current organization and staffing for the program.

BETA will also be undertaking a detailed inventory of all Traffic Signs on State Highways (some 4,000 +/- miles and 400,000 signs). We have devised a methodology using the current state video log which allows tying the inventory to the state GIS systems. The resulting system will allow ConnDOT to track its installed signs from installation to replacement. This includes asset tagging and field inspection procedures and internal management systems.


Project Management Team