FEMA Announces Building Resilient Infrastructure & Communities (BRIC) and Flood Mitigation Assistance (FMA) Grant Programs
September 15, 2022

In mid-September, FEMA announced a Notice of Funding Opportunity for the FY22 Building Resilient Infrastructure and Communities (BRIC) and Flood Mitigation Assistance (FMA) grant programs. The application window officially opens on September 30, 2022. All states are eligible for these programs, and each has some discretion over how funding is distributed. For example, in Massachusetts, statements of interest for BRIC are required by October 14th and MEMA will be hosting a webinar on September 28th to provide an overview of the grant programs and application requirements. Additionally, the Commonwealth has announced a BRIC and FMA grant program submission deadline of December 5, 2022. BETA can help communities throughout New England as they coordinate with their applicable funding agencies to evaluate eligibility of projects for these grants.
The Building Resilient Infrastructure and Communities (BRIC) grant program is a non-disaster program with up to $1 million in funding available for each state to be used towards hazard mitigation planning and planning-related activities. These activities should result in a FEMA-approved hazard mitigation plan or contribute new information to an existing hazard mitigation plan. Mitigation Projects are cost-effective projects designed to increase resilience and public safety; reduce injuries and loss of life; and reduce damage and destruction to property, critical services, facilities, and infrastructure. Projects are eligible if they result in a reduction to future natural hazard damage. Additionally, up to 10% of any sub-application may be used for information dissemination activities, including public awareness and education (brochures, workshops, videos, etc.) related to a proposed Capability & Capacity-Building activity or hazard mitigation project. BRIC has a 75% federal / 25% non-federal cost share.
The Flood Mitigation Assistance (FMA) program is a competitive grant program that provides funding to states, local communities, federally recognized tribes, and territories. Funds can be used for projects that reduce or eliminate the risk of repetitive flood damage to buildings insured by the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP). FEMA chooses recipients based on the applicant’s ranking of the project and the eligibility and cost-effectiveness of the project. FEMA requires state, local, tribal and territorial governments to develop and adopt hazard mitigation plans as a condition for receiving certain types of non-emergency disaster assistance, including funding for hazard mitigation assistance projects. $800 million in funding is available nationwide for FY2022. This includes $60 million total for C&CB Scoping/Planning, $340 million total for Localized Flood Risk Reduction Projects (previously Community Flood Mitigation Projects) and $400 million total for individual projects.
In Massachusetts, MEMA also announced a 90-day extension to its Notice of Funding Opportunity under the Hazard Mitigation Grant Program (HMGP) for the FEMA-4496-DR-MA-HMGP disaster. The final state deadline is now October 9, 2022, and the federal cost share has been increased under HMGP 4496 to no less than 90%. To ensure distribution of available funding to the widest extent possible, MEMA will be placing a soft cap of $15,000,000.00 on singular projects.
The Hazard Mitigation Grant Program (HMGP) provides funding to state, local, tribal and territorial governments so they can rebuild in a way that reduces, or mitigates, future disaster losses in their communities. FEMA’s FY2021 priorities for the HMGP include:
- Incentivize natural hazard risk reduction activities that mitigate risk to public infrastructure and disadvantaged communities as referenced in EO 14008
- Mitigate risk to one or more community lifelines
- to incorporate nature-based solutions; enhance climate resilience and adaptation
- Increase funding to applicants that facilitate the adoption and enforcement of the latest published editions of building codes
- Implement projects that reduce flood risks posed to repetitively flooded properties insured under the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP)
- Help address effects of climate change and other unmet mitigation needs, including using funds to promote equitable outcomes in underserved communities
Additional State priorities include:
- Projects that are clearly permittable and have been vetted through permitting and advisory agencies (including DEP, CZM, DER, etc.)
- Projects with strong local commitment
- Projects with a well-developed/well- defined benefit-cost analysis (not applicable to non-construction sub-applications)
- Projects that are advanced further along in design & clear scope
- Projects that are consistent with the 2018 State Hazard Mitigation and Climate Adaptation Plan (SHMCAP) and local hazard mitigation plan
- Projects benefitting Environmental Justice (EJ) populations
- Projects that promote utilization of nature-based approaches and provides environmental benefits;
- Leveraging partnerships
- Community/public engagement
Contact BETA today for assistance with prioritizing projects, aligning them with funding program goals, and navigating the eligibility requirements for these grants, which can provide funding towards hazard mitigation plans and projects that reduce or eliminate risk of repetitive flood damage.