Asset Management Planning Grant Available for Water Utilities Projects

November 4, 2021

The Massachusetts Clean Water Trust and the Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection (MassDEP) are offering subsidized State Revolving Fund financing to communities for their water-related utility projects. Additionally, those agencies recently prequalified consultants that have both the capacity and experience to assist with asset management planning services.

What does this mean for you?
Communities and eligible entities now have access to consultants who can assist with applications for the Massachusetts Clean Water Trust Asset Management Planning Grant program. BETA is pleased to have been selected as a pre-qualified firm and is ready to assist our clients with funding applications for water, wastewater, and stormwater utility projects.

About the Grant
The Massachusetts Clean Water Trust and MassDEP will provide up to $2 million in grant funds to qualifying applicants for the preparation of Asset Management Plans (AMP) for existing drinking water, wastewater, and/or stormwater system infrastructure. The Trust will provide a grant award of $150,000, or 60% of eligible project cost, whichever is less. Since asset management is a process, the proposed project can be small or extensive and can include a variety of beneficial activities that are currently appropriate to meet the utility’s planning requirements, including generating plans and/or necessary reports.

How can BETA help?
Our experience speaks for itself. BETA recently completed a comprehensive AMP for the Town of Plainville. Under an Administrative Consent Order (ACO), MassDEP required the Town to produce an AMP for all water distribution system infrastructure. BETA conducted condition assessments of two water storage tanks, six booster pump stations, three well fields, and the Town’s water treatment plant. From the information collected, BETA created the Town’s plan which was accepted by MassDEP in Spring 2020. Subsequently, the ACO was lifted as a result of these efforts.

BETA has similar asset management and infrastructure experience, having assisted West Springfield with an existing subsurface utility assessment, evaluation, and prioritization study; Milton with a water system master plan; Bellingham with GIS-based prioritization and flushing program; and many other similar projects throughout the Commonwealth.

Contact BETA today
Reach out to Andy Dennehy, PE or Tito Sanchez, GISP if you’d like to discuss completing, updating, or implementing an asset management program for wastewater, drinking water, stormwater utilities, or any combination of the three. Visit for more info about our capabilities and experience.