RISPE recognizes Kevin Aguiar as 2018 Engineer of the Year
February 6, 2018
BETA is proud to announce Kevin Aguiar has been named 2018 Engineer of the Year by the Rhode Island Society of Professional Engineers (RISPE). The RISPE Engineer of the Year Award recognizes an engineer who has established a record of dependable quality along with significant contributions for the engineering community.
Mr. Aguiar is a graduate of the University of Rhode Island, having received a Bachelor of Science Degree in Civil Engineering in 1992. He started as an entry level engineer in BETA’s transportation department 25 years ago and continued to advance with the company. He is now a Vice President and the head of the site/civil and transportation department at BETA’s corporate office in Lincoln, RI.
Over the course of his career, Kevin has established a record of consistent high-quality work; but if asked, his colleagues would reference his enthusiasm to share his knowledge and willingness to mentor younger engineers as his strongest asset. He is also constantly thinking of ways to develop his staff and afford each one the opportunity to gain the skills necessary to become a well-rounded engineer.
Kevin takes on both large and small projects with equal enthusiasm, and time and time again he demonstrates his acumen for engineering, working with clients to solve their engineering challenges. Over the past couple of years, Kevin has been heavily involved with the design of two key projects that support the revitalization efforts in the City of Providence: South Street Landing Redevelopment and the Providence Innovation Center located within the I-195 Redevelopment District. Both of these projects are a key to the State of Rhode Island as it develops its economic strategies within the much heralded “intellectual corridor”. Kevin is a true leader in his profession and his commitment to, and expertise shared with, the project teams have been integral to their successes.
In addition to his professional accomplishments, Kevin gives back as an active URI Alumnus by mentoring student groups as they develop their “Capstone Design Project”. He understands the project requirements and the pressures that the students are under at this point in their academic career. He dedicates his time, knowledge, skills, and a little of his sense of humor to his selected group on a weekly basis during the semester. This role is one that seems to give Kevin a great sense of satisfaction.
Christopher Dunhamel, the Coordinator for URI’s Capstone Project, says this about Kevin’s character as a mentor: “The students have recognized Kevin’s commitment to the teams, and view Kevin’s input as supportive and insightful. Kevin’s patient demeanor, given over the many donated hours, has handed down valuable experience to students, providing an overall benefit to our engineering profession.”