BETA assists the City of Melrose in complete streets grant pursuit

February 27, 2017

BETA Group, Inc. is currently working with a number of communities to develop Tier II Prioritization Plans as part of MassDOT’s Complete Streets Program. The program has been designed as a funding source for Cities and Towns to plan and construct roadway improvements aimed at providing safe and accessible options for all travel modes – walking, biking, transit and vehicles – for people of all ages and abilities. Though the MassDOT program is fairly new, BETA’s team has been applying Complete Streets principles to communities throughout New England for many years.

BETA is currently assisting the City of Melrose with their Tier II Prioritization Plan. Our team is working to compile a list of potential complete streets projects to submit to MassDOT for funding consideration. As part of this process, BETA will collect information regarding existing conditions of priority areas and utilize GIS as a tool to prioritize projects based on level of service to the community. Read here for more information on how Melrose is taking advantage of this opportunity.

How can complete streets benefit your community? To find out more, click here or contact us at