Two BETA Employees Receive NEITE Awards
December 8, 2016
On December 5, 2016, The New England Section of the Institute of Transportation Engineers (NEITE) held their annual awards dinner, which recognizes individuals in the field of transportation engineering and planning who have made outstanding contributions to the profession and to the Section.
Kenneth Petraglia, PE, PTOE was honored with the William P. McNamara Distinguished Service Award. The Distinguished Service Award is intended to recognize outstanding service and contributions by a Section member to the activities and welfare of NEITE. Petraglia is a Vice President of BETA Group, Inc. with more than 40 years of experience specializing in the field of Traffic/Transportation Engineering. He has served on local, district, and national ITE committees, and also served as President of the New England Section; Chair of the Northeastern District (which includes New England, New York and half of New Jersey); and International Director for the Northeastern District. Petraglia had previously been a recipient of the New England Section ITE Transportation Engineer of the Year Award in 2001.
Michael Wasielewski, PE, PTOE, IMSA received the Transportation Engineer of the Year Award. Established in 1972, the Transportation Engineer of the Year Award is intended to recognize outstanding technical proficiency by a member of NEITE. Wasielewski, a Senior Traffic Engineer/Project Manager for BETA Group, Inc., had also presented a technical all-day workshop on Adaptive Signal Control to attendees at the NEITE Annual Meeting. His exceptional experience working for communities and agencies throughout New England with transportation planning, traffic analysis and design made him an excellent candidate for this prestigious award.