BETA’s Traffic Study Determines the Impact of Development in Franklin
March 26, 2015
BETA recently worked on an independent traffic study to analyze the effect of development in the Town of Franklin. The following is an article which was originally posted on Wicked Local Franklin on March 26, 2015:
FRANKLIN — A traffic study released this month shows that the type of development sought for town-owned land on Pond Street would add to the traffic slowdowns already seen on Rte. 140.
But the engineering firm that produced the study, BETA Group Inc., suggested improvements to the roadway that might alleviate some of the concerns.
BETA was commissioned for an independent study of the impact of a potential commercial and residential development at the 33-acre Pond Street parcel, which the town has tried to sell twice, most recently last year. The Town Council’s economic development subcommittee is preparing a request for proposals to develop the parcel – the third since 2006.
BETA also reviewed the new Starbucks development on Old West Central in looking at the traffic flow on Rte. 140.
An ideal development for Pond Street, town officials say, is one that includes a commercial property, such as a hotel or office building, and condominiums. The property, located off Interstate 495, was recently rezoned to allow multifamily housing.
BETA’s traffic study found that such a development would increase the number of vehicle trips on Rte. 140 and compound the traffic problems in the area, specifically at the intersection at the Franklin Village Shopping Center during peak afternoon hours.
According to the study, a development with a medical office, hotel and condominium complex with 50 units would generate about 3,000 trips per day during the week.
BETA’s traffic engineer, Greg Lucas, used previous traffic studies – including one by the Boston Metropolitan Planning Organization – in analyzing the affect a future Pond Street development would have on the Franklin Village intersection.
“The reports tell us there’s a problem today with the left turn there onto Rte. 140 eastbound,” Lucas said. “And it’s a problem for whatever you consider in the future with the Pond Street development.”
The best way to address the issues at the intersection would be to widen the left turn lane to allow for two lanes of vehicles to queue at the traffic light, Lucas said.
However, the work would need the approval of the state Department of Transportation, which controls the intersection.
“There’s a lot of competition for funding, but this is something where we have an established need,” Lucas said.